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Public sector is looking for Technical Support Specialist.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Position: Technical Support Specialist (Band 3)

Salary Range $51,086 - $60,817

Location: Information Technology Department

New Street Education Centre

Work Schedule: 35 hours/week

Effective Date: Immediately


The preferred applicant will possess the following:

1. Two-year community college diploma in Computer Studies and/or equivalent related field experience.

2. A minimum of one to two years’ practical experience in the support, installation and configuration of PC's, Mac's and computer


3. Certification or credit achievements towards Microsoft Certified Product Specialist (MCPS), Microsoft Certified Systems

Engineer (MCSE) is a definite asset.

The successful candidates must possess skills necessary for updating helpdesk logs and the writing of technical documents. As a

member of a core technical team, the candidate must show both the ability to self manage and maintain strong communication with

colleagues. Exceptional organizational and interpersonal skills, as well as the ability to set priorities are mandatory. Experience in

current telecommunication technology and Microsoft 2000 Server is a definite requirement.

Position Summary:

 First line of support for 5000+ end users via phone, e-mail and web based help desk client

 Provide technical support for users of PCs, Macs, file servers and other networked devices

 Schedule, maintain and verify backups for all systems

 Maintain and track all outstanding calls in a helpdesk database system

 Provide accurate and timely service to users in the production of computerized reports

 Troubleshoot and identify software and hardware issues, escalate when necessary to appropriate staff

 Provide operating system support for Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, and MAC environments, as well as support for all

software approved by the Board.

 Diagnose, support and install hardware related to the above operating systems and software.

 Follow technical guidelines through documentation provided by server administrators.

 Schedule, complete and update daily trouble tickets as assigned.

 Good time management skills.

Application Deadline: Friday, January 13, 2017 at 4:00 p. m.

Resume and other supporting documents must be submitted to Apply To Education:


MASS(Management & Professionals) – Job Code # 1670316更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 职位情报 / Public sector is looking for Technical Support Specialist.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Position: Technical Support Specialist (Band 3)

    Salary Range $51,086 - $60,817

    Location: Information Technology Department

    New Street Education Centre

    Work Schedule: 35 hours/week

    Effective Date: Immediately


    The preferred applicant will possess the following:

    1. Two-year community college diploma in Computer Studies and/or equivalent related field experience.

    2. A minimum of one to two years’ practical experience in the support, installation and configuration of PC's, Mac's and computer


    3. Certification or credit achievements towards Microsoft Certified Product Specialist (MCPS), Microsoft Certified Systems

    Engineer (MCSE) is a definite asset.

    The successful candidates must possess skills necessary for updating helpdesk logs and the writing of technical documents. As a

    member of a core technical team, the candidate must show both the ability to self manage and maintain strong communication with

    colleagues. Exceptional organizational and interpersonal skills, as well as the ability to set priorities are mandatory. Experience in

    current telecommunication technology and Microsoft 2000 Server is a definite requirement.

    Position Summary:

     First line of support for 5000+ end users via phone, e-mail and web based help desk client

     Provide technical support for users of PCs, Macs, file servers and other networked devices

     Schedule, maintain and verify backups for all systems

     Maintain and track all outstanding calls in a helpdesk database system

     Provide accurate and timely service to users in the production of computerized reports

     Troubleshoot and identify software and hardware issues, escalate when necessary to appropriate staff

     Provide operating system support for Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, and MAC environments, as well as support for all

    software approved by the Board.

     Diagnose, support and install hardware related to the above operating systems and software.

     Follow technical guidelines through documentation provided by server administrators.

     Schedule, complete and update daily trouble tickets as assigned.

     Good time management skills.

    Application Deadline: Friday, January 13, 2017 at 4:00 p. m.

    Resume and other supporting documents must be submitted to Apply To Education:


    MASS(Management & Professionals) – Job Code # 1670316更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 还需要win2000?
    • Taxpayers money well spent. 60K/yr "A minimum of one to two years’ practical experience in the support, installation and configuration of PC's, Mac's and computer peripherals"...
      • TCS, CGI, IBM等等都是cheap的血汗工厂;政府部门又拿着纳税人的钱挥霍无度。我怎么听着好赖话都让你一个人说了?
        • Yes and Yes. Is a tech support with only a year or two yrs experience worth 60k/yr? Would you pay that money?
          • 私人公司的老板当然舍不得,可是政府的老板是纳税人根本管不了他们。即使什么都不干也拿钱,反正不是自己的钱,买好还买票,谁也不心疼
    • 同样的 job title, 类似的job description, 我们这里给$83,454.34 - $101,343.78.
      • 这个工资要senior吧?这个是entry level?
        • entry level 是 $83,454.34
          • 难怪安省的赤字如山高,比海深。For that level of expertise provide sector companies may only pay half or even less.
            • 这算啥。政府采购才是真正的无底洞。到年底了为了花完当年的预算,不管用不用得到,价格是否合理,啥都买。因为如果不把今年预算花完,明年预算就要被砍。
            • 那您还支持自由党涅?
              • 从来不会愛屋及烏
              • 我看了三四遍才敢确认上面是刺哥发的帖子。
                • You are forgiven. Stereotype
                  • 我再说两句就撤:第一句,Rob Ford 在这方面做得最好,虽然刺哥很不待见他。第二句,在浪费纳税人血汗钱方面,我不认为联邦自由党会比安省自由党好多少。 +1
                    • That's fine. Rob did nothing for Toronto. John has done a lot so far.
            • 安省政府躺枪。 我们不是政府工。
          • 强!我们这个range是senior level的,虽然也不一定要求经验多多。下边还有junior level,起薪可能在70k。
            • 每次招人我都想介绍同胞进来,但不认识做这行的人,网上的陌生人我不敢推荐
              • 我大概看了一下,这个职位要求好像跟helpdesk有一点重叠,helpdesk的工资要低一些的。
                • 基本上就是helpdesk的工作,tech support 的工资, 工作没有什么技术含量,很无聊的
              • 改天请你吃个饭,我们就认识了,下回介绍我吧:)
      • With a year or two yrs experience?
        • 不需要经验,技术高一点的活都outsource或请顾问来做,那帮员工并不开心,他们留下来继续工作只是为了钱,他们说他们的技术都丢了