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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


7-Year-Old Cellist Prodigy Yo-Yo Ma's Debut Performance for President JFK
Leonard Bernstein introduces 7-year-old Yo-Yo Ma and his 11-year-old sister Yeou-Cheng Ma to Presidents John F. Kennedy and Dwight D. Eisenhower at "An Ameri...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 不必过份担心 +3

    政治风云变幻对普通人可能会有波及, 但毕竟时代变了, 早不是排华法案那时候了.

    做为个人, 谨言慎行, 遵纪守法, 不用过于担心.

    • 👍,这才是做移民的应该的态度。一天到晚的混主流,连话都说不清楚,基本是第一个进集中营的 +1
      • 小心无大错,. 政治这东西很可怕, 即使普通人一扯上政治也可能会变得疯狂, 咬牙切齿张牙舞爪. +2
        • 局势不明朗,不要总逼人表态,蛮恶意的
          • ???
    • 小人物在大事件面前啥都不是,无论怎么挣扎,俩字:听天由命。 +1
      • 明明是四个字
        • 数字的数数不过关,当时没学好
        • 确实就两字关键:天命。另外两字对小人物是标配
      • 给你出道难题:选一个数,从1到10范围内包括1和10
    • 政治风云?简单了。再来一次covid,再关几年。 +1
    • 不必过分担心,就是还是有点担心的?人无远虑必有近忧。有没有可能土共超级厉害,做出了历史上从没有过的不必打仗就可以争霸的超高难度成就呢?可能性也有,但是就是小粉红也不敢这样相信土共吧?屁民还是想好真的打起来,要怎么办,跑哪边才是。 +1
      • 超限战了解一下。假选举是目前焦点,美国可能要花很多诉讼才能搞清楚,闹出人命也很可能。
    • 现在新闻开始放大 - 铺天盖的的说中国间谍混入/贿赂政界, 我们下一代的路更加艰辛了 +2
      • 回去吧。 +4
        • 回那里去:自己都是加拿大人/美国人了, 更何况孩子们, 即使这么严峻的反华大环境, 还有部分以为是白皮肤/高鼻梁“华人”为了“反华”自己主动往自己身上拉屎满媒体转悠 +3
          • 自杀这种事太引人注目了
          • 华人身上的屎不是粉红们抹上去的吗?问问你自己,中美争端你向着谁,不就清楚了?怪别人,切。 +2
            • 中美争端时要尽力促进中美两国和两国人民友好,而不是极力挑拨离间。 +1
              • 这是粉红们想做的?谁爱信谁信,我是不信的。
            • 不能让少数美国政客利用, 往美/中对抗上火上浇油,甚至递刀子弹药杀中国后快, 两者没有啥本质仇恨(表面上的意识形态上不同也不至于白刀子进去红刀子出来的地步), 没有啥和平互惠外交不可以解决的问题, 让美国人民惩治这部分少数他们的政客
              • 你可得了吧。 +1
      • 最近郭文贵案子就是一挑战,当事人都是大陆人,共产党却能置身事外而产生影响力。美式民主法制漏洞乍现
    • 1962年。7岁的马友友和比他大四岁的姐姐马友乘为肯尼迪和艾森豪威尔演奏。
      7-Year-Old Cellist Prodigy Yo-Yo Ma's Debut Performance for President JFK
      Leonard Bernstein introduces 7-year-old Yo-Yo Ma and his 11-year-old sister Yeou-Cheng Ma to Presidents John F. Kennedy and Dwight D. Eisenhower at "An Ameri...
      • Leonard Bernstein's introduction of Yo-Yo Ma: “An aspect of that double stream of art I mentioned earlier flowing into and out of America, as long been the attraction of our country to foreign artists, and scientists and thinkers,
        Leonard Bernstein's introduction of Yo-Yo Ma: “An aspect of that double stream of art I mentioned earlier flowing into and out of America, has long been the attraction of our country to foreign artists, and scientists and thinkers, who have come not only to visit us, but often to join us as Americans, to become citizens of what to some has historically been the land of opportunity and to others the land of freedom. And in this great tradition, there has come to us, this year, a young man aged 7, bearing the name Yo-Yo Ma. Now Yo-Yo came to our attention through the great master Pablo Casals who had recently heard the boy play the cello. Yo-Yo is, as you may have guessed, Chinese, and has lived up to now in France—a highly international type. But he and his family are now here. His father is teaching school in New York, and his 11-year-old sister, Yeou-Cheng Ma, is pursuing her musical studies, and they are all hoping to become American citizens. We shall now have the pleasure of hearing Yo-Yo Ma, accompanied by his sister Yeou-Cheng Ma, play the first movement of the Concertino No. 3 in A Major, by Jean-Baptiste Breval, who played, taught, and composed for the cello 150 years ago in France. Now, here’s a cultural image for you to ponder as you listen. A 7-year-old Chinese cellist, playing old French music, for his new American compatriots. Welcome Yo-Yo Ma and Yeou-Cheng Ma.”
      • 肯尼迪还是很左的,尤其在他那个年代。
    • 真漂亮,和芳芳一样的漂亮
    • 要看发展趋势,如果川普和极右回归,还是要担心的。也许不会被赶进集中营,但是至少各方面都会有明的暗得限制打压。支持DEI才是正解。具体政策可以讨论,但这个方向要支持。最好做到没有majority的族裔,各方面力量均衡。